I analyze your best colors to bring out your own personal glow.

Today I am featuring the lovely, talented, redheaded actress Julianne Moore.

True redheads will always fall under Autumn. That’s why it’s easy for me at times to tell who is not a natural redhead, but a natural blonde because blondes can’t be Autumns. It is a bit more difficult for brunettes who go red, as they can be Autumns too, but I can still see it. Julianne is a natural redhead and thus, a true Autumn. Let’s look at her in cooler colors first.

Mmhmm. See how she looks like chalky white death in black, white, and silver? The jewel-toned fuchsia and green look vibrant contrasting against her skin and hair, but keep in mind we are looking for flow. Not separate colors that our eyes bounce around trying to keep up with it all. The jewel tones are doing nothing for her. In the fuchsia, you can see how the gold part of the dress is melding with her look while the fuchsia is just screaming for the paparazzi to look over here, bitches!

Let’s look at Julianne in warmer colors now.

Now we’re talking. See how much more vibrant and warm she looks? Notice the difference in the hunter green here compared to the kelly green above in the cool colors? Even in the warm red photo, the lights are washing her out (you can tell by the gigantic shadow behind her), but this red flows with her entire look. And the burgundy-garnet red for the last photo? Stunning. She could not achieve this glow with a pure, primary red but the warm tomato-red and the garnet are beautiful on her.

This concludes today’s Autumn All-Star session 🙂

If you would like me to do a color analysis for you (includes blog feature with pictures and customized color shopping list with your own personal power color) that will bring out your own unique glow, contact me at glowingcolor@gmail.com for rates.

Comments on: "Autumn All-Stars: Julianne Moore" (3)

  1. makeup artists must haves said:

    This site was… how do I say it? Relevant!
    ! Finally I’ve found something which helped me. Thanks a lot!

  2. Thank you for visiting! I’m glad to help.

  3. I’m a redhead, but I’ve always looked best in summer colors. I definitely look better in cool tones than warmer ones. Not all redheads are springs and autumns. Just letting you know that we’re out there. 🙂

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