I analyze your best colors to bring out your own personal glow.

Archive for July 16, 2012


Today, Glowing Color features Heather from Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Heather writes:

I am a stay at home mom to two daughters ages 12 and 9.  I am hoping you can help me with chosing the right colors to wear, I feel like I don’t look good in anything.  I am also always playing with my hair color, I get highlights and then decide they get too light so I think let’s try to get back to my natural haircolor which I think is medium brown but then I get too many red tones in my hair which I don’t like.

Here is Heather’s Q&A:

What color do you wear the most? I wear greys and navys

What color do you wear the least? oranges, reds and yellows

What color do you feel sexy in?  dark grey, if I had to pick a color

What color do you get the most compliments in?  My husband says he likes me in pinks

Heather sent in a ton of photos, which I absolutely love! The more the merrier! I also loved that she did the same backdrop and just changed the shirts. It really makes for a cleaner, more objective analysis. Now, with Heather, I could tell what season she was as soon as I looked at the first photo she sent in. Can you guess? Let’s look at Heather in cooler colors:

In each of these photos, my eyes go directly to her shirt color and then Heather. This is often a classic sign that someone is wearing the wrong colors for their season. Heather also looks a bit washed out in these colors. Let’s look at her in warmer colors.

Did you notice how Heather appears to brighten up in these photos? It’s not just the brighter colors in her shirts. Her face has come alive in the warmer colors. Heather is an Autumn.

I do agree with Heather’s assessment that she has too much red in her hair color. In her Color Shopping List I suggest, among other things that she look for hair colors without the red undertones. I think she would benefit by going a bit darker, in hair AND in her clothes. She should stay warm of course, but she has too many light/bright warm colors in her wardrobe and even more cool colors in her wardrobe.

Heather’s Q&A leads to some very helpful tips for her. She wears oranges, reds, and yellows the least but these are colors she should be incorporating MORE into her wardrobe. Some people shy away from these because they seem so “loud”, but there is a way to find the best shade of each color for your skin. She also feels sexy in dark gray, which was her most telling answer of all. Deep, dark, charcoal gray is a classic Autumn color and one of my favorite substitutes for black (in warmer-toned women). Heather should embrace that and shy away from the lighter-to-medium grays that will just wash her out. Heather’s husband likes her in pinks but I bet if she incorporated some pinkish-peaches into her wardrobe, he would love that as well.

I hope Heather will keep us updated on new color choices! Thanks Heather!

If you would like me to do a color analysis for you (includes blog feature with pictures and customized color shopping list with your own personal power color) that will bring out your own unique glow, contact me at glowingcolor@gmail.com for rates.