I analyze your best colors to bring out your own personal glow.

Here is some eye candy for your weekend. Once again we have the lovely QQ, featured many times here.

Autumns, THIS is how you do deep, dramatic lip color. This plum is everything for Autumns (burgundy would work as well) and the contrast, with the yellow top and gold jewelry which are classic Autumn,  is perfect.

QQ says: “I wear this specific color shirt and gold shit solely cause you’ve drilled it in.”

Once you order a Color Analysis, I am yours for LIFE (*lawyer voice* voidwhereprohibited), meaning you can continuously submit photos for posting and inquiries about specific colors/advice, etc.

If you would like me to do a color analysis for you (includes blog feature with pictures and customized color shopping list with your own personal power color) that will bring out your own unique glow, contact me at glowingcolor@gmail.com for rates.

Comments on: "QQ Color Snap-Autumn in Yellow & Plum" (9)

  1. All I see is Celine? lol

  2. Refresh it! I added the photos 🙂

  3. laurel: We can probably find a good deep shade for you that won’t make you look gothy. We just have to make sure the deep, warm undertones are there. For fairer skin, you don’t have to go as dark with the color to get the same nice effect. Feel free to e-mail me if you want to get started! Otherwise I’ll try to remember to post some lip colors for fairer-skinned Autumns.

  4. But a Celine Gif.?! I cant

    Lauren, try more like a ruby red type thing, that’d be louder on me but it works on fairer girls

  5. But make sure it has a warm undertone (if you are an Autumn), either a brown/gold/orange undertone to the red. If it’s pure primary red or ruby, that’s more for Winters.

  6. Integrated Memoirs said:

    That looks great!

  7. As usual…QQ you’re BEAUTIFUL!!!!

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