I analyze your best colors to bring out your own personal glow.


Today, Glowing Color features Carolyn from northern California. Carolyn writes,

Greetings color lady,

I am 46 and finally at the point where I am able to pay attention to myself…I have no talent when it involves colors…Here is my problem. I am not photogenic at all and I do not know why. In the photos I really tried to put on makeup correctly. People say I look washed out in photos.

Carolyn’s Q&A:

What color do you wear the most? Seafoam green, light lilac, grey and orange

What color do you wear the least? White

In what color do you feel sexy? I never feel sexy however, I feel most like a girl in seafoam green or maroon.

In what color do you receive the most compliments? Orange/green

Let’s take a look at Carolyn’s photos:





I can immediately see that Carolyn looks washed out in the first 3 photos where she is wearing cool colors. The last 2 are warm, and her face and eyes come alive a bit more.

Carolyn is an Autumn. She is right to stay away from white, and I would add black to that list. For the colors she wears the most, she should definitely keep the orange, but steer away from seafoam and lilac when worn close to her face (pastels are usually the kiss of death for Autumns), and go deeper in tone with any gray she wears. I have included more detailed color recommendations in her Color Shopping List.

Comments on: "Carolyn" (1)

  1. […] Carolyn was just featured here last week and has contacted me with an update. She writes, […]

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