I analyze your best colors to bring out your own personal glow.


Today, Glowing Color features Leah.

I left my finance career behind a couple years ago to stay home with our daughter, Molly, which is the best decision I ever made. Besides  spending time with my family and friends, I love cooking, running, reading and traveling.

Leah’s Q&A:

What color(s) do you wear the most? All shades of blue, pale pink, black, white & gray

What color(s) do you wear the least? Yellow, orange, purple, brown

In what color(s) do you feel sexy? I feel sexy in black.

In what color(s) do you receive compliments? Mostly in light blue because it draws people’s attention to my eyes. 

Indeed, you’ll see that Leah does have stunningly beautiful eyes. Let’s take a look at Leah in cool colors first.



white turquoisesky blue

BTW, clients, this is how I love for you to submit photos (if possible). Multiple colors taken against the same backdrop, somewhat neutral. It makes it easier to do your analysis, and makes it easier for you to see differences!

Now, since Leah has a lot of photos in cool colors, I separated them a bit into the deeper, darker cool colors, bright pinks and purples, and the coolest, the lighter blues and white. Leah looks very nice in all of these colors, but she is really standing out in the bottom row of photos. Let’s look at Leah in warm colors.


As you can see, Leah has a definite preference for cooler colors in her wardrobe! It seems that is a wise instinctual choice, as the navy does not look bad, but is not doing anything special for Leah. She looks washed out in this peachy-melon color. Any guesses on her season?

Leah is a Summer. Her answer regarding the colors she wears most was a good hint. Leah is already gravitating toward her more flattering colors. The colors she wears the least also tell a tale; as they are autumn colors (including purple, depending on the shade/tone). She gets complimented most in light blue and that is a beautiful color on her; a classic Summer color. This would be even more apparent if you could see Leah’s natural hair color, which is an ashy light brown. The auburn color she is wearing in these photos do her coloring and eyes no justice. I have suggested some other hair colors to her in her Color Shopping List. Pay attention to Leah’s cool photos. The black, fuchsia, and red are cool, but too dark for her, a calling card of Summers. The orchid and pink are okay; I feel she would look better in those colors if she had her natural hair color here. But the white and sky blue photos are wear Leah really glows. If she had her natural lighter hair color here, the entire effect would be amazing. I hope Leah keeps us updated, especially if she tries out a new hair color.

peachsky blue

See the difference (also imagine a light ash-brown hair color)?

If you would like me to do a color analysis for you (includes blog feature with pictures and customized color shopping list with your own personal power color) that will bring out your own unique glow, contact me at glowingcolor@gmail.com for rates.

Comments on: "Leah" (1)

  1. Thank you! You have given me the gift of color confidence. 🙂 First off, your analysis and feature were both so helpful! Secondly, you should be charging more for your talents! I would definitely have paid more for this service. I’ll be back with questions, I’m sure. Thank you!

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