I analyze your best colors to bring out your own personal glow.


Today, Glowing Color features Nikki, the fashion and lifestyle blogger at She Wore Ribbon. She Wore Ribbon is a beautiful blog and has so many dreamy photos in different locations (Paris!) featuring Nikki’s lovely face! Check her out!

About Nikki: “I saw your site today and I’ve always been very interested in colour analysis- but could never quite work my season out! I’m Nikki, I’m 23 years old and I live in a seaside town in England with my two kittens, Maggie and Jude. I’m a freelance fashion writer and I run a fashion and lifestyle blog called She Wore Ribbon. I’ve always been obsessed with fashion, and shopping is definitely my favourite hobby! I’m forever wondering what new styles of clothes to try, what make up shades to buy or what colour to dye my hair, so colour analysis will be super helpful for the future! When I’m not writing about clothes, I’m watching comedy shows, listening to music or walking around with my giant headphones on.”

Nikki’s Color Interview:

What color(s) do you wear the most? 

I wear quite a lot of blue, all year round!

What color(s) do you wear the least? 

I rarely wear earthy tones or citrus colours.

In what color(s) do you feel sexy and/or beautiful?

I like wearing blues, pink and white for everyday wear, but opt for red and black when I want something a little bolder! 

In what color(s) do you receive the most compliments?

I think that would have to be blue again!

Nikki in cooler colors:

black    gray2

white  pink red


Nikki in warmer colors:

darkdark redburgundy


Nikki is….an Autumn! This may come as a bit of a shock to her as she loves her cool, blue shades but what I noticed when reviewing her photos was that in the cooler colors, there was dramatic contrast between her pale skin and the cool blues and her eye colors. But with the warm colors, everything softened: her facial features, her eyes, her skin tone began to glow, her hair even looked warmer. I would love to see Nikki in some mustard yellow or yellow-orange!


See the difference?

If you would like me to do a color analysis for you (includes blog feature with pictures and customized color shopping list with your own personal power color) that will bring out your own unique glow, contact me at glowingcolor@gmail.com for rates.

Comments on: "Nikki" (3)

  1. […] warmer. I would love to see Nikki in some mustard yellow or yellow-orange!” Check out the full analysis on Glowing Colour […]

  2. I can definitely see the difference!

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