I analyze your best colors to bring out your own personal glow.

Archive for the ‘Ania’ Category


Today, Glowing Color features Ania. Ania lives in Warsaw, Poland. She works as a hairdresser and linergist. She is also a psychologist. She loves animals and has a cat- “a very beautiful Cornish Rex”. Ania writes,


I am Ania. I live in Poland. I have a big problem with right colours especially with hair colour. That’s why all the time I change it and still it is not mine….I am begging you for help. What should I do? I am 34. Half part of my life I dyed my hair with dark brown (ash) or black thought nature made a mistake and I am a winter! But now when I looked on the pictures I can see it make me like sick. White and grey skin. I’ve never like orange, yellow or brown on me. Really horrible. So if somebody said I am an autumn I’d never agree. I am so much closer to soft summer colour palette but some of them are not good for me. Now I feel really good only in soft grey blue. Please help me. Help me choose the right colour for my hair. I am dreaming of it :-).

Here is Ania’s Color Interview:

What color(s) do you wear the most? I wear the most of grey(light or medium), grey blue, white(but not fluorescent white, not too bright) and black but now I feel in black a bit older than years ago. 

What color(s) do you wear the least? I feel very bad in orange, warm brown, warm beige, mahogany, aubergine, olive, bright green, bright yellow.

In what color(s) do you feel sexy and/or beautiful? I feel good in some kind of red(deep not bright, a bit dusty). Feel good in grey and grey blue and white. 

In what color(s) do you receive compliments? The most compliments?: in red, pink with a drop of solomon, white.

Keep in mind that Ania’s natural hair color is a mix of dark blondes. Let’s look at Ania in cooler colors first.


gray 2



red black




bright blue

blue plaid

Now, let’s look at Ania in warmer colors.




Ania’s instinct is correct. She is a Summer. She gravitates to soft gray-blue, hates orange, brown, and yellow, and feels she can’t go too “cool”. Though she looks best in cooler colors, she has been going too dark with both her hair and clothes. When Ania lightens up both, she will see a dramatic difference.



See the difference?

If you would like me to do a color analysis for you (includes blog feature with pictures and customized color shopping list with your own personal power color) that will bring out your own unique glow, contact me at glowingcolor@gmail.com for rates.