I analyze your best colors to bring out your own personal glow.

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Emmy’s 2011 Right and Wrong

Today I’m going to feature the women of the Emmy’s and see who got it right, and who got it wrong, color-wise.


Kristen Wiig is an Autumn and looks stunning here. See how the hair, face, dress, everything flow? She looks gorgeous here. This is how you do style + color that fits your season.

Katie Holmes definitely got it right in color. Does she look like she rolled out of bed after possibly sleeping in this dress? Yes. But the color is right for her. Katie’s a Winter.

I originally had Kerry Washington under Autumn a while back, but I used the wrong photo to judge her because homegirl is definitely a Winter. This true, classic red is perfect for her.

Elisabeth Moss is an Autumn. I would prefer to see her in a deeper shade, but she has the tone right. It’s a bit too pale for her, but good nonetheless.


Kate Winslet’s dress fit like a glove and she is stunting in it style-wise. Color wise, it’s off. Kate is a Spring. Springs can wear red, it just needs to be a more muted, earthy red. Or if she wanted to go bright, a warmer tomato red would have killed.

Right dress, wrong color for Evan Rachel Wood. She’s a Spring and black is too strong and harsh for her.

Amy Poehler is a spring who is bleached to high hell. The dress is all wrong for her.

Not only does Taraji P. Henson look like she came to the Emmy’s in her answer-the-doorbell-for-the-cute-mailman nightgown, but it’s the wrong color. Taraji is an Autumn so should avoid silvery shapeless frocks.

Rashida Jones is an Autumn. The pale pink of the gown washes her out. A shame, because it is a really pretty gown, Rashida’s hair and makeup look nice, but it does not flow. If it were a muted rose-gold in the same style? She would have killed.

Padma, if you remember, is a Winter. She looks dreadful in this color. Awful.

Right and Wrong

Christina Hendricks got the color right. If you remember, Christina is a natural blonde and a Spring. The darker red hair color and heavier/deeper colored makeup is all wrong for her.

Heidi is a natural brunette, and an Autumn. So she got the warm tone right, but the hair color and paleness wrong. Even the paleness isn’t THAT wrong, but she definitely would have looked better in a deeper shade.

Julia Stiles is a Winter (not a natural light blonde). So the dress is correct in tone, but it could be a little deeper in color. That along with her eschewing the golden blonde hair would have stepped her game up.

That concludes the color analysis of the 2011 Emmy’s! What did you think of the fashion? Let me know in the comments!

If you would like me to do a color analysis for you (includes blog feature with pictures and customized color shopping list with your own personal power color) that will bring out your own unique glow, contact me at glowingcolor@gmail.com for rates.