I analyze your best colors to bring out your own personal glow.

Archive for the ‘Orange’ Category


Today, Glowing Color features Laura.

I’m Laura from Dublin in Ireland. Mother to a gorgeous boy and work full time within fashion retail. I love clothes and I’m usually drawn to bright colours and bold patterns although been trying to stick to block colour of late. I start to doubt my choices as my sisters are both natural blondes and look great in soft & muted shades and sometimes I feel like a clown next to them, so thought now is as good a time as any to finally get a second opinion on what season I am and to sort out my wardrobes. I am kickstarting the year with a new healthy lifestyle plan and would love the confidence in knowing I am wearing the right colours that suit me when I lose the final phase of baby weight . Perhaps not the need to wear as much makeup outside of work to colour my face??? If that makes sense.

Laura’s Color Interview:

What color(s) do you wear the most? not really one colour my closet is like a rainbow, but greens and nude-blush shade.

What color(s) do you wear the least? brown, black close to my face, orange, purple.

In what color(s) do you feel sexy and/or beautiful? navy, nude, orange red.

In what color(s) do you receive compliments? green or navy 

Before we look at Laura’s photos, here is a shot of her with a hair color closer to her natural color:

lighter hair

Laura in cooler colors:



Laura in warmer colors:




Laura is a Winter. Her strong features and lovely eyes pop in the bold, cooler jewel colors of winter compared to being a bit washed out in the warmer colors. Her coloring is also too deep for Summer, hence her feeling not quite right in pastels. I think once her hair lightens a bit, and she sticks to her Winter colors, she will continue to stun.


See the difference?

If you would like me to do a color analysis for you (includes blog feature with pictures and customized color shopping list with your own personal power color) that will bring out your own unique glow, contact me at glowingcolor@gmail.com for rates. If you do not wish to be featured on the blog, just let me know in your e-mail.


Today, Glowing Color features Ari.

About Ari: “My name is Ari, I’m 21 I’m a studying clothing, textiles, and Art. I work at Starbucks as a barista and I live in a little mountain town that’s really dull so I love road trips and finding reasons to wander!”

Ari’s Color Interview:

What color(s) do you wear the most? Black! lots and lots of black! I’m a recovering teenage goth and learning to be comfortable in colors is hard!

What color(s) do you wear the least? probably yellow.

In what color(s) do you feel sexy and/or beautiful? yellowy old looking green, or purple!

In what color(s) do you receive compliments? probably this gorgeous velvet poncho that has warm fall colors in it, yellows, reds, greens and oranges. 

Ari in cooler colors:





Ari in warmer colors:


No doubt about it, Ari is an Autumn. The olive green jacket gave it away! There were also clues leading up to this in her Color Interview–go back and read what colors make her feel beautiful, the colors she gets the most compliments in. There might as well have been glorious autumn leaves falling delicately over her interview. Ari’s natural hair color is an ash brown, which she is currently trying to get back to, growing out her old reddish hair color. I think this is a great idea, and I will send her some other suggestions as well.



See the difference?

If you would like me to do a color analysis for you (includes blog feature with pictures and customized color shopping list with your own personal power color) that will bring out your own unique glow, contact me at glowingcolor@gmail.com for rates.


Today Glowing Color features Stephanie. Stephanie writes,


I am 38, born and raised in Olympia, WA. I was away for 5 years on active duty with the air force in Virginia, yet came back home to ply. I have 2 children, 11 and 2 both boys that keep me pretty busy, yet i still stay active with running and just started participating in the Spartan races with my oldest. I am a Judicial Educator with the state and a Knowledge Operations Manger with the Air Force. I came across your site today and am impressed with your analyses. What are your rates for consultation?

Here is Stephanie’s Color Interview:

What color(s) do you wear the most? black, grey, and blue

What color(s) do you wear the least? red and orange

In what color(s) do you feel sexy and/or beautiful? black

In what color(s) do you receive compliments? Can’t say about the color I receive compliments in…I mostly hear that I look tired.

Let’s look at Stephanie in cooler colors first.




Now let’s look at Stephanie in warmer colors.




Great photos, Stephanie! There’s a correlation between the fact that Stephanie hears she looks tired often, and her most common colors of black, grey, and blue. That’s because Stephanie is an Autumn. She needs to go deep into the boldest, most vibrant autumn hues and shy away from the duller tones and pastels.


See the difference?

If you would like me to do a color analysis for you (includes blog feature with pictures and customized color shopping list with your own personal power color) that will bring out your own unique glow, contact me at glowingcolor@gmail.com for rates.


Today, Glowing Color features Ania. Ania lives in Warsaw, Poland. She works as a hairdresser and linergist. She is also a psychologist. She loves animals and has a cat- “a very beautiful Cornish Rex”. Ania writes,


I am Ania. I live in Poland. I have a big problem with right colours especially with hair colour. That’s why all the time I change it and still it is not mine….I am begging you for help. What should I do? I am 34. Half part of my life I dyed my hair with dark brown (ash) or black thought nature made a mistake and I am a winter! But now when I looked on the pictures I can see it make me like sick. White and grey skin. I’ve never like orange, yellow or brown on me. Really horrible. So if somebody said I am an autumn I’d never agree. I am so much closer to soft summer colour palette but some of them are not good for me. Now I feel really good only in soft grey blue. Please help me. Help me choose the right colour for my hair. I am dreaming of it :-).

Here is Ania’s Color Interview:

What color(s) do you wear the most? I wear the most of grey(light or medium), grey blue, white(but not fluorescent white, not too bright) and black but now I feel in black a bit older than years ago. 

What color(s) do you wear the least? I feel very bad in orange, warm brown, warm beige, mahogany, aubergine, olive, bright green, bright yellow.

In what color(s) do you feel sexy and/or beautiful? I feel good in some kind of red(deep not bright, a bit dusty). Feel good in grey and grey blue and white. 

In what color(s) do you receive compliments? The most compliments?: in red, pink with a drop of solomon, white.

Keep in mind that Ania’s natural hair color is a mix of dark blondes. Let’s look at Ania in cooler colors first.


gray 2



red black




bright blue

blue plaid

Now, let’s look at Ania in warmer colors.




Ania’s instinct is correct. She is a Summer. She gravitates to soft gray-blue, hates orange, brown, and yellow, and feels she can’t go too “cool”. Though she looks best in cooler colors, she has been going too dark with both her hair and clothes. When Ania lightens up both, she will see a dramatic difference.



See the difference?

If you would like me to do a color analysis for you (includes blog feature with pictures and customized color shopping list with your own personal power color) that will bring out your own unique glow, contact me at glowingcolor@gmail.com for rates.


Today Glowing Color features Julie. Julie writes,

Hello,I’m a French girl who’d liked to receive your advices to know which colors look best on me cause I can decide. Am I Spring? Winter? Which hair color is for me? and so on…

I’m Julie, thirty years old soon and French!
No, I’m not living in Paris but in Strasbourg in the East of France, on the border of Germany.

My passions are creative arts and dance (modern jazz). 

I work in a school  but I’m not a teacher, it’s a temporary job. In fact, I’d like to get a job more creative in the field of art.
I love to create, painting, photographing and sewing. My latest creations was plushes (or do say “soft toys”?).
You can see some of them here:


Be sure to check out Julie’s plush toys; they are cute! Let’s now get into her Color Interview.

What color(s) do you wear the most?

Greys (but not too dark grey like charcoal), black, navy blue, blue jean and sometimes purple but not very often. I used to wear a little bit of kaki when my hair were dyed in ginger.
I like discrete, easy to wear colours but I’m currently trying to put some colours in my closet with purple, red and blue- green.

In fact I recently start to like this blue-green color, I think you say “deep teal” in English but I’m not sure in French we says “bleu canard”), when my hairs were dried in ginger it was even better looking.
This colour seems to bring out my eyes (that’s what people said to me), and when I’m wearing this colour they tell me that it changes my eye colour which seems to be the exact same colour .
Strange isn’t it?

What color(s) do you wear the least?

– Pink.

– Beige. I look like a ghost and disappear with this colour.

– Brown. I used to wear it when I was light blond but now I think it was a mistake. I don’t like to wear it anymore, it doesn’t seem to fit me (and my man hates when I wear brown he says it’s not a color for me, well in fact, he begs me to take off the clothes in that color but maybe he isn’t a big fan of this colour at all. …).

Actually,  I’m not “attire” by which seems to be “autumn colors” in general even when I was a ginger it doesn’t work with me and I must confess that I secretly hope to not be “an autumnal girl” ha ha.

Anh I’m not a big fan of pastels colors, I think it’s because it doen’t look so great on my light and white skin….

In what color(s) do you feel sexy and/or beautiful?

Red without a hesitation! With blond or ginger hair I really like it!

In what color(s) do you receive compliments? 

“bleu canard”in French  (deep teal?) 

Keep in mind Julie’s natural hair color is dark blonde. The ginger-red is a dye in these photos, though you can see some of her natural color at the top as opposed to the ends of her hair. Let’s take a look at Julie in cooler colors first.







Right off the bat, I can eliminate Summer for Julie. That leaves Winter, Spring, and Autumn. Now let’s look at Julie in warmer colors.







First, let me say that I think it is nearly impossible for Julie to look bad in anything. She is beautiful! With that out of the way, Julie had two telling photos that showed me her season. Those two are her in the yellow and orange. So Julie is the one season she wanted to avoid. Julie is an Autumn. Now, commonly, those who hate the season in which they belong are not wearing their strongest colors within the season. Just because you are an Autumn does not mean that ALL Autumn colors are going to have you at your glowiest (do you like that made-up word?). I will specify which Autumn colors Julie should seek out and I think will make her a happy camper. For example, brown is an entire world. There are so many shades and variations. Some browns will work for Julie, and some browns will not. As for Julie being attracted to the teal/peacock blue. This is what I call a “fun” color. You may love it because it matches your eyes, or it is your favorite color, or whatever other reason. You have your “glow” colors and your “fun” colors. I am here to advise you on your “glow” colors. I will not tell anyone they can’t wear their “fun” colors, but that is their own decision. Personally, you can pry purple clothes from my cold, dead hands because it is not in my season but I will wear it anyway because I love it!

Now I’m sure you’re thinking, “Julie looked pretty in some of the cooler colors!” Yes, but you’ll see they have nothing on her in warmer colors. Let’s do some direct comparisons:



See the difference?

If you would like me to do a color analysis for you (includes blog feature with pictures and customized color shopping list with your own personal power color) that will bring out your own unique glow, contact me at glowingcolor@gmail.com for rates.


Today Glowing Color features Samantha. Samantha writes,

Hello Glowing Color,
I have been looking for an affordable color consultation from the right place and I was so impressed with all your testimonials that I had to contact you. I am currently a student and unable to afford anything to crazy right now, but I also want to make the best impression possible as I start interviewing for my first job out of school. As an artist, I know how important color is for making a good first impression and more importantly, a lasting impression. I also find myself replacing my wardrobe right now as I outgrow my high school attire and would love tips on how to go about choosing the best colors for me as I enter into the adult world.

I am a student studying sequential art (cartooning and storyboarding) and will be going on to pursue my masters in art history and museum studies this upcoming Fall. I am interested in medieval studies and may go on to earn my PHD in that specific area. Right now, I am working on a young adult graphic novel about a sci-fi western treasure hunt. I am originally from Cleveland and am happy to be moving back this summer. Since I have been in the Savannah, Georgia, I miss the cold weather. I am a voracious reader. I want to pick up some sort of martial art study this summer! My artistic website is at www.samreveley.com.

Be sure to check out Samantha’s art! I love her illustrations and paintings, particularly Metamorphosis. Let’s now get into her Color Interview.

What color(s) do you wear the most? I wear plenty of greens and browns. I tend to have a rather earthy palette in my wardrobe.

What color(s) do you wear the least? Bright red, hands down.

In what color(s) do you feel sexy and/or beautiful? Forest green, off-white, and possibly purple (I am surprised to say I do not own anything in purple! That is totally based on memory).

In what color(s) do you receive compliments? It seems like I get a lot of compliments when I wear orange, although I am not quite sure because the orange shirt I wore for the photo is the only one I own! (Can you tell I’m a stingy student? Haha.)

Let’s take a look at Samantha in cooler colors first.






Now let’s look at Samantha in warmer colors.


Samantha is a lovely woman! I wasn’t sure at first glance what her season was, but it became clear after I grouped her photos together in cool or warm colors. I noticed that in the warm colors, Samantha does not look bad, but the colors are just resting on her, and even have a darkening effect on her overall look. In the cool colors however, Samantha’s creamy, rosy glow shines through. Samantha is a Winter.


See the difference?

If you would like me to do a color analysis for you (includes blog feature with pictures and customized color shopping list with your own personal power color) that will bring out your own unique glow, contact me at glowingcolor@gmail.com for rates.

Golden Globes 2013

The Golden Globes aired this past weekend, so you know what that means–time for another Color Right and Wrong! For my post on the 2012 Golden Globes, go here. Let’s jump right in!


70th Annual Golden Globe Awards - ArrivalsAmanda SeyfriedUS-GOLDEN GLOBES-ARRIVALS Anne HathawayClaire DanesEva Longoria     70th Annual Golden Globe Awards - ArrivalsJessica AlbaKatharine McPhee         70th Annual Golden Globe Awards - ArrivalsSally FieldSalma Hayek  70th Annual Golden Globe Awards - Arrivals

Alyssa Milano is an Autumn and looks gorgeous in this citron/saffron-hued gown. Amanda Seyfried is a Spring and looks pretty in her blush/ivory combo. Amy Adams is a Spring and looks fantastic in her pale-nued mermaid gown. Anne Hathaway is a Winter and looks stunning in white. Claire Danes is a Spring and is gorgeous in red. Eva Longoria is a Winter and stuns in black. Jennifer Lawrence is a Spring (her natural hair color is blonde) and looks fabulous in this coral-red gown. Jessica Alba is an Autumn and looks beautiful in her shimmery peachy-coral gown. Katharine Mcphee is a Winter and hits all the right notes in black. Olivia Munn is a Winter and is on the mark in her dress. Sally Field is an Autumn and looks regal in her navy gown. Salma Hayek is a Winter and gets it right in black. Zooey Deschanel is a Winter and this red looks great on her.

Right and Wrong

1151858_ET_Golden_Globes_WJS_0470th Annual Golden Globe Awards - Arrivals70th Annual Golden Globe Awards - ArrivalsJennifer Lopez70th Annual Golden Globe Awards - Arrivals70th Annual Golden Globe Awards - Arrivals70th Annual Golden Globe Awards - Arrivals70th Annual Golden Globe Awards - Arrivals70th Annual Golden Globe Awards - Arrivals

Connie Britton is an Autumn (her natural hair color is brown) and though this metallic gown reads warm, it is a bit too light for her. A deeper gold would have looked awesome. Halle Berry is an Autumn and like Connie, is  wearing a gown that reads warm but is too light. Isla Fisher is an Autumn and again we see an example of warm tone but too light (this is an absolutely gorgeous gown though). Jennifer Lopez is an Autumn and while the nude works, the white read of the lacy design distracts. Kaley Cuoco is a Spring. Her gown is the correct color for her season, but her makeup is way too dark. Lea Michele is a Winter. White works for some Winters but it’s hard to tell here since she overdid the tanning. Lena Dunham is a Soft Autumn meaning brown is in the ballpark, but she needs a brighter brown. Rosario Dawson is a Winter and while her mint gown is cool, it is way too light for her. Taylor Swift is a Spring and this chocolate gown is too dark for her.


70th Annual Golden Globe Awards - Arrivals70th Annual Golden Globe Awards - ArrivalsJessica ChastainJodie Foster70th Annual Golden Globe Awards - ArrivalsJulianne MooreKelly OsbourneKerry WashingtonKristen Bell1151858_ET_Golden_Globes_WJS_15Lucy Liu1151858_ET_Golden_Globes_WJS_15Nene LeakesNicole Richie

Debra Messing is an Autumn (her natural hair color is brown), and black does nothing for her. Hayden Panattiere is a Spring. This pink gown reads too cool for her. Jessica Chastain is an Autumn and this seafoam gown is ALL WRONG. Jodie Foster is a Spring and this deep, icy blue is a miss in color for her. Julianne Hough is a Summer so the gold accents of her gown are wrong for her. Julianne Moore is an Autumn. Black=blah. Kelly Osbourne is a Spring (her natural hair color is blonde) so this look is too cool for her (I absolutely love her entire look by the way, it just isn’t making her glow). Kerry Washington is a Winter and looks washed out in this sheer nude. Kristen Bell is a Spring, so this silver is off. Kristen Wiig is an Autumn and looks sickly in her black gown. Lucy Liu is an Autumn, so this secret garden is wrong. Marion Cotillard is a Winter and the orange dress was too warm for her (this photo makes it look more red, but it’s orange). Nene Leakes is an Autumn; this black and white frock does nothing for her. Nicole Richie is a Spring; this pale blue is simply wrong.

If you would like me to do a color analysis for you (includes blog feature with pictures and customized color shopping list with your own personal power color) that will bring out your own unique glow, contact me at glowingcolor@gmail.com for rates.

Maternity Glow

Hi lovelies! I haven’t forgotten you. Things are a bit busy over here. This is what I’ve been up to:

What do you think? Am I glowing? I do love a good orange.

Photography by Some.Sweet

Charlie Reese

Today I am featuring a very special little girl. Charlie Reese, daughter of photographer Takiyah (featured here previously) is probably the most fun toddler I have ever spent time with. Her personality is already so well established and a few minutes around her will have you cracking up or marveling at the thought that surely she has been here before; a previous life, SOMETHING.

From Charlie’s Bio on Tumblr:

Charlie Reese was born one stormy day in August 2009. Her 2 years on Earth have been just as eventful as the date she was born. She booked her first commercial job at 9 months old, and has continued book work with companies such as J.C. Penney and the Army and Air Force Exchange Service. Although still a toddler, Charlie has been noted as being very easy to work with and funny! When she’s not on set, Charlie can be found riding her tricycle, dancing to music, eating strawberries, and  drinking chocolate milk. She aspires to be the world’s first Superhero Rock-star Dinosaur Doctor Princess.

Her resume (also on Tumblr) is pretty impressive too; check her out!

Charlie’s Tumblr

Charlie’s Facebook

Charlie’s Photography Tumblr (this is a collection of photos SHE HAS TAKEN HERSELF. Yeah you read that right.)

Since Charlie is in the spotlight a lot, it made sense for her mom to want a color analysis done on Charlie. Let’s look at Charlie in cooler colors first. Hold on to your ovaries.

You’re all talking in puppy-coo language aren’t you? I know. Just a gorgeous child. The more vibrant cool colors are really bringing out Charlie’s sparkle. But let’s take a look at Charlie in warmer colors.

Adorable. I just cannot take it. Anyhoo, though of course Charlie is cute in all of these, I think we have a clear winner. Charlie looks vibrant and glowing in the cool, vibrant colors. Charlie is a Winter. I think for special events or auditions, etc. TaKiyah should focus on those tones to dress Charlie. She will be irresistible. As always, I sent TaKiyah a Color Shopping List for Charlie with details on what colors to look for. Keep your eyes open for this little star!

If you would like me to do a color analysis for you (includes blog feature with pictures and customized color shopping list with your own personal power color) that will bring out your own unique glow, contact me at glowingcolor@gmail.com for rates.


Today, Glowing Color features Heather from Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Heather writes:

I am a stay at home mom to two daughters ages 12 and 9.  I am hoping you can help me with chosing the right colors to wear, I feel like I don’t look good in anything.  I am also always playing with my hair color, I get highlights and then decide they get too light so I think let’s try to get back to my natural haircolor which I think is medium brown but then I get too many red tones in my hair which I don’t like.

Here is Heather’s Q&A:

What color do you wear the most? I wear greys and navys

What color do you wear the least? oranges, reds and yellows

What color do you feel sexy in?  dark grey, if I had to pick a color

What color do you get the most compliments in?  My husband says he likes me in pinks

Heather sent in a ton of photos, which I absolutely love! The more the merrier! I also loved that she did the same backdrop and just changed the shirts. It really makes for a cleaner, more objective analysis. Now, with Heather, I could tell what season she was as soon as I looked at the first photo she sent in. Can you guess? Let’s look at Heather in cooler colors:

In each of these photos, my eyes go directly to her shirt color and then Heather. This is often a classic sign that someone is wearing the wrong colors for their season. Heather also looks a bit washed out in these colors. Let’s look at her in warmer colors.

Did you notice how Heather appears to brighten up in these photos? It’s not just the brighter colors in her shirts. Her face has come alive in the warmer colors. Heather is an Autumn.

I do agree with Heather’s assessment that she has too much red in her hair color. In her Color Shopping List I suggest, among other things that she look for hair colors without the red undertones. I think she would benefit by going a bit darker, in hair AND in her clothes. She should stay warm of course, but she has too many light/bright warm colors in her wardrobe and even more cool colors in her wardrobe.

Heather’s Q&A leads to some very helpful tips for her. She wears oranges, reds, and yellows the least but these are colors she should be incorporating MORE into her wardrobe. Some people shy away from these because they seem so “loud”, but there is a way to find the best shade of each color for your skin. She also feels sexy in dark gray, which was her most telling answer of all. Deep, dark, charcoal gray is a classic Autumn color and one of my favorite substitutes for black (in warmer-toned women). Heather should embrace that and shy away from the lighter-to-medium grays that will just wash her out. Heather’s husband likes her in pinks but I bet if she incorporated some pinkish-peaches into her wardrobe, he would love that as well.

I hope Heather will keep us updated on new color choices! Thanks Heather!

If you would like me to do a color analysis for you (includes blog feature with pictures and customized color shopping list with your own personal power color) that will bring out your own unique glow, contact me at glowingcolor@gmail.com for rates.