I analyze your best colors to bring out your own personal glow.

Archive for the ‘Samantha’ Category


Today Glowing Color features Samantha. Samantha writes,

Hello Glowing Color,
I have been looking for an affordable color consultation from the right place and I was so impressed with all your testimonials that I had to contact you. I am currently a student and unable to afford anything to crazy right now, but I also want to make the best impression possible as I start interviewing for my first job out of school. As an artist, I know how important color is for making a good first impression and more importantly, a lasting impression. I also find myself replacing my wardrobe right now as I outgrow my high school attire and would love tips on how to go about choosing the best colors for me as I enter into the adult world.

I am a student studying sequential art (cartooning and storyboarding) and will be going on to pursue my masters in art history and museum studies this upcoming Fall. I am interested in medieval studies and may go on to earn my PHD in that specific area. Right now, I am working on a young adult graphic novel about a sci-fi western treasure hunt. I am originally from Cleveland and am happy to be moving back this summer. Since I have been in the Savannah, Georgia, I miss the cold weather. I am a voracious reader. I want to pick up some sort of martial art study this summer! My artistic website is at www.samreveley.com.

Be sure to check out Samantha’s art! I love her illustrations and paintings, particularly Metamorphosis. Let’s now get into her Color Interview.

What color(s) do you wear the most? I wear plenty of greens and browns. I tend to have a rather earthy palette in my wardrobe.

What color(s) do you wear the least? Bright red, hands down.

In what color(s) do you feel sexy and/or beautiful? Forest green, off-white, and possibly purple (I am surprised to say I do not own anything in purple! That is totally based on memory).

In what color(s) do you receive compliments? It seems like I get a lot of compliments when I wear orange, although I am not quite sure because the orange shirt I wore for the photo is the only one I own! (Can you tell I’m a stingy student? Haha.)

Let’s take a look at Samantha in cooler colors first.






Now let’s look at Samantha in warmer colors.


Samantha is a lovely woman! I wasn’t sure at first glance what her season was, but it became clear after I grouped her photos together in cool or warm colors. I noticed that in the warm colors, Samantha does not look bad, but the colors are just resting on her, and even have a darkening effect on her overall look. In the cool colors however, Samantha’s creamy, rosy glow shines through. Samantha is a Winter.


See the difference?

If you would like me to do a color analysis for you (includes blog feature with pictures and customized color shopping list with your own personal power color) that will bring out your own unique glow, contact me at glowingcolor@gmail.com for rates.