I analyze your best colors to bring out your own personal glow.

Archive for the ‘Soft Spring’ Category


Today, Glowing Color features Anya (name changed to protect privacy) from Seattle, Washington. Anya loves fashion, nature, health,nutrition, reading, researching,exercise, animals, music, and science, among many other things. She describes herself as a sort of a jack of all trades, or as her friends and teachers have referred to her, a walking encyclopedia.

Anya writes,

I’ve been reading your blog and you are spot on with your work. So I would definitely trust your skills.

Anya’s Q&A:

What color do you wear the most? Blues, pink, greens, light purples. I also like white and gray. My favorite colors are in the light to medium spectrum.

What color do you wear the least? Well my friends and I agree I look like a zombie in mustard yellow, rust, muted olives, caramel browns, camel/yellow beige, most browns. Except there is one brown I can wear, it’s a coolish cocoa rose brown one…

In what color do you feel sexy? Pretty much the same colors I said I wear most. But light-medium only. I don’t really feel sexy more like cute or beautiful but I think that  has to do with my personality.

In what color do you receive the most compliments? Turquoise, aqua, true greens, emerald greens, lime green, blues, pinks, light purple, coral, peach, pastels, clear bright springy colors, and easter colors.

Anya did not want her photos shown on the blog, so you’ll have to use your imagination a bit. Anya is fair-skinned with shoulder-length golden-blonde hair and vibrant green eyes. Anya is a Spring. Anya tends to dress more like a Summer; she gravitates toward those colors. She was definitely on track when she mentioned she stays in the light to medium tones. Also, do you notice anything about her response to the colors she wears the least? They’re all Autumn colors. Anya is an example of a Soft Spring–a warm season, but she does not do as well with the deeper warm colors of Autumn. Anya definitely glows in many of the soft, warm colors that blossom in Spring.

Although you cannot see Anya’s photos, there are some useful tips  to be gleaned here. Just because you feel you may not look good in a certain range of colors does not necessarily mean you should aim for the complete opposite. Sometimes you simply need to go lighter or softer, etc.

If you would like me to do a color analysis for you (includes blog feature with pictures and customized color shopping list with your own personal power color) that will bring out your own unique glow, contact me at glowingcolor@gmail.com for rates.