I analyze your best colors to bring out your own personal glow.

Archive for the ‘Weddings’ Category

Aisha’s Wedding Colors

Glowing Color is excited to announce that we will now be providing wedding color consultations! Aisha, who was just featured, is getting married next spring and wants to know the best colors for her venue and of course her season.

turquoise peach

Aisha is a Summer. Her reception venue is quite warm with brick and red accents, so that poses a challenge with getting the cool colors that flatter Aisha without clashing with the venue. My immediate instinct flew to the blues and greens of the color scale to complement the oranges and reds in the venue.

Aisha has picked her gown (which is a gorgeous, classic strapless gown that will have a reverse lace jacket over it).


I would love to see Aisha in some subtle blue eye makeup like this

blue eyeliner

or this

Blue eye makeup

Or a more dramatic eye like this

blue eyeliner 2

These would set off her blue eyes and skin tone so beautifully! For a lip, a subtle pink would work.

Prime lips with moisture with a bit of Whipped’s strawberry lip balm, then something like MAC Plushglass in Ample Pink

Ample Pink

Possible jewelry:

Another hint of blue should come from the earrings. I am a sucker for dangling gemstone earrings. I think my eyes literally turn to hearts when I see a nice pair. With a gorgeous strapless gown like the one she has, she can afford a little drama with the earrings if she keeps a bare neckline (which I imagine she will have with the lace jacket).

One. Two. Three. Four. Five.



aqua gemstone




Bridesmaid dresses:

The ideal color based on Aisha’s venue and her own coloring for bridesmaid dresses should be a gorgeous blue-green. Not too deep of a turquoise, and not too pale of an aqua. Below are some examples of the color.

blue green bridesmaid dress

green blue dress

turquoise dresses


With blue-green bridesmaid dresses, a mix of pink and red roses would contrast beautifully and pull in the red from Aisha’s venues (there are red curtains there).

fuchsia red bouquet pinks reds creams roses

I love both of these looks. The first is more casual and rustic, which actually fits Aisha’s venue nicely (the reception is in a barn). The second is more formal, but is so gorgeous. I love an all-rose bouquet; it is classic, timeless, and includes a stunning variation of reds, pinks, and white/creams.

Hopefully, this gives Aisha a great foundation to start putting together her colors and decor for her wedding. I hope she keeps us posted and sends us photos of the wedding. She will be a beautiful bride!

If you would like me to do a color analysis for you (includes blog feature with pictures and customized color shopping list with your own personal power color) that will bring out your own unique glow, contact me at glowingcolor@gmail.com for rates. For a limited time, Glowing Color will include wedding color analyses in the same package as the standard color analyses with no extra charge. If you have not chosen your gown, I will also help you decide whether to get white or ivory (or another color altogether!).